How To Overcome Self Rejection With Meditation Practices

self rejection

Hey Love,
Do you ever find yourself trapped in a cycle of self-doubt and self-criticism? Many of us have been there, wrestling with self rejection, that nagging feeling that we’re just not good enough. The good news is that there’s a reliable way to help you break free from this pattern: meditation. Meditation has served as one of the most effective and reliable tools for my personal growth. It holds the power to help you literally jump from one frame of mind to another in a matter of minutes. Sometimes when things aren’t going our way, it’s easy to give into negative thought patterns and behaviors, especially when rejecting ourselves has become familiar, or the norm, over the years. Let’s dive into how meditation practices can serve as a path to self-acceptance, guiding you through to a state of ultimate self love.

Self Rejection

Self-rejection can take many forms, from that inner voice telling you that you’re not smart enough, not attractive enough, or not worthy of love and success. It’s like a persistent rain cloud casting shadows over your self-esteem, making it difficult to see your true worth.

Meditation offers a lifeline out of this storm. It’s a practice that invites you to confront these negative thoughts head-on, which isn’t always easy, but it’s necessary if you want to move through to a better you. Here’s how it works:

Notice Your Thoughts

Before you can reconfigure your thoughts of self rejection, it’s helpful to first reflect on the thoughts you tell yourself. Think about nagging beliefs that have held you back from living your life to the fullest. They may be statements like, “I lack the courage,” “I’m not very charismatic,” or “I’m not strong.”

As you meditate on these thoughts, you’ll start to notice some recurring patterns and stories that have been running through your mind for years. This newfound awareness is your first step towards personal transformation. I know, it’s not comfortable and it’s not fun, but what comes next will make it all worth while.

Learn To Let Go

If you’re a beginner meditator and you aren’t sure where to start, read this article to get a better understanding of how to meditate so that this next step will come easy to you. Now you’ll employ a powerful visualization technique to let go of your limiting beliefs during meditation.

Follow this step by step:

Find a Tranquil Space: Start by finding a quiet and comfortable space for your meditation practice. Sit or lie down in a relaxed position, ensuring you won’t be disturbed.

Breathe: Begin by taking a few deep, calming breaths. Inhale slowly through your nose, allowing your lungs to fill completely, and then exhale gently through your mouth. Release all tension in your muscles little by little all the way from the top of your head to your toes. Continue to place awareness on you breath until your body feels light and relaxed.

Visualization 1: Close your eyes and imagine yourself sitting beside a peaceful, flowing stream. Picture the water moving gently, sunlight dancing on its surface. This stream represents your consciousness or your mind.

Visualization 2: Now, visualize your negative thoughts and memories as individual leaves. Each leaf carries a specific limiting belief or past experience that has contributed to your self-doubt. See these leaves scattered around you, representing the weight you’ve been carrying.

Let Go: One by one, pick up these leaves and gently place them onto the surface of the stream. As you do so, watch them float away. Further and further away from you with every out breath. Visualize the current of the stream carrying them farther and farther downstream, away from you. As each leaf disappears from your view, consciously acknowledge that it’s leaving your consciousness, no longer defining your self-worth.

Emotions Are Normal and Natural!!!

During this process, you may feel various emotions—relief, sadness, or even resistance. Allow these emotions to surface. They are not there to hurt you. Embrace them, knowing that they, too, will eventually flow away with the leaves.

Continue this visualization until you’ve placed each leaf onto the stream. Feel the weight of these limiting beliefs lifting from your shoulders. At the end, you’ll feel light as a feather. And if not this time, maybe next time. The point is to continue your practice until you can see tangible results. Sometimes I can see positive results with this technique immediately after. If I do it right before bed, I’ll see an even more profound difference by the next morning when I wake up.

Use Affirmations To Foster Self-Compassion

After releasing the negative beliefs, it’s crucial to replace them with positive affirmations. This step helps to reshape your self-perception. While you can practice speaking affirmations at any time, I feel it’s most effective to do so during or right after a meditation. In a relaxed state you can connect with God more deeply and communicate your convictions with a heightened sense of mindfulness. Here’s how:

Choose Affirmations Carefully: Select affirmations that resonate with you personally. These should be positive statements that directly counteract the limiting beliefs you’ve just released. For instance: If you used to believe, “I’m not brave enough,” replace it with, “I have the courage to face challenges.” If your old belief was, “I’m not attractive enough,” tell yourself, “I am beautiful both inside and out.”

Conviction: With your chosen affirmations in mind, repeat them to yourself with conviction. You can say them silently in your mind or softly out loud if you prefer. The key is to feel the truth in these statements as you repeat them.

Visualize the Positive: As you recite your affirmations, visualize yourself embodying these qualities. See yourself confidently facing challenges, radiating inner and outer beauty, or showcasing whatever positive trait you’re affirming. Visualization adds a vivid and emotional dimension to your affirmations.

Feel the Positive Emotions: While repeating these affirmations and visualizing them, focus on the positive emotions they invoke. Feel the sense of empowerment, self-assuredness, and self-love that comes with embracing these affirmations. Let these emotions fill you up.

Affirm Throughout the Day: Don’t limit your affirmations to just your meditation session. Carry them with you throughout your day. Whenever self-doubt creeps in or you encounter situations that challenge your self-worth, recall your affirmations. They serve as a powerful reminder of your inner strength and value.

Meditation teaches us to replace self-rejection with self-compassion. Picture yourself as a dear friend facing the same struggles. What would you say to them? You’d offer words of encouragement, support, and kindness. You’d tell them they are enough, and you’d believe it.

Meditation Headphones

Sure it helps to read a step by step meditation, but having a guide in real time I believe is the best way to start seeing real change fast. If you’re new to meditation or looking to enhance your practice, consider incorporating the use of meditation headphones. Headphones can immerse you in guided meditations, nature sounds, or soothing music, creating a more immersive and focused meditation experience.

In my article on the “Best Meditation Headphones,” I highlight a selection of headphones designed to elevate your meditation journey. By pairing the power of meditation with quality audio, you can deepen your practice and accelerate your path to self love and acceptance!

So, are you ready to break free from the chains of self-rejection? Meditation is your steadfast companion on this transformative journey. It’s time to embrace self-acceptance, love, and the unwavering belief that you are, in fact, enough. Start your meditation practice today, and let it guide you toward a life filled with self-love and acceptance.

Be Blessed,



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